One very important aspect of Personal Branding in this age of the internet has to do with the digital footprints we leave behind. These footprints include online activities that you consciously partake in or information you voluntarily share on the web, such as posting on social media websites.
At the same time, recruiters are tracking your digital footprints to profile you and also using social media to screen potential candidates before hiring. According to local recruitment agency Hays, “the more visible you are across relevant online platforms the higher the chance of you securing your dream job".
DKHMCC prepares SMU students to showcase their employability to recruiters with its online Internship Readiness Module IRM 102 Creating and Managing Your Professional Digital Footprint by equipping them with the skills to:
Manage their digital footprint
Build a professional online presence
Complete a professional LinkedIn profile
*consider using VMOCK to assist in the creation of the LinkedIn Profile

As the saying goes, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.”
While preparing for the interview, students often fret about how to prepare the appropriate inter attire.
While the subject of what constitutes “right” or “wrong” for a professional interview attire can be subjective and may differ from industry to industry, the general consensus is to err on the side of overdressing.
DKHMCC prepares SMU students for creating a great first impression on recruiters with its online Internship Readiness Module IRM105 Interviewing Skills with the following:
projecting professionalism during the interview via preparing the answers to varied types of questions
selecting appropriate clothes and shoe
Abiding by the Dos and refraining from the Don’ts of proper attire and appearance